FAQ's [Frequently Asked Questions]
When donating by check, please note on the memo line "Building Campaign".
Text an amount and "Capital" to 913.353.3796.
[Example: 3500 Capital (do not include dollar sign, comma, or decimal; key word is Capital.]
If using the Give page on this website, select "other" and note "Building Campaign".
Yes, we encourage everyone to give as much as they can whenever they can. We will track the pledged and un-pledged donations so we know the total campaign funds.
One way is to encourage the youth to “buy” a carpet square for the Fellowship Hall at $15 per square. That would give them something specific their money can buy and they can even tell people that “this is my square”!!
If we fall short of our goal, we will forego (at least delay) some of the projects that are later in the plan.
If we exceed the goal, we will first celebrate and then keep the surplus in our reserve fund for future maintenance projects.
If you don't see the question and answer listed, please submit your question using the form below. New questions will be added to these FAQ's as they are asked.
Thank you for contacting us.
We will get back to you shortly.
Monday - Thursday 8:30 am - 3:00 p.m.
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