Chili Cook-Off

 Chili Cook-Off Alert!

Join us Sunday, February 23rd in the fellowship hall - right after morning worship, for a showdown of the best chili in town!

We’ll have chili, cornbread, crackers, veggies, and desserts - plus a little friendly competition. That’s right, we’ll be voting for the best chili, and prizes will be awarded!

Got a winning recipe or a killer dessert?
Sign up in the Welcome Center to bring your best dish.

The Nurture Team is hosting and asks everyone to bring canned food donations for Stilwell Caring Ministry—because nothing pairs better with chili than generosity.

And here’s the best part: Everyone in the greater Stilwell community is invited! So bring your friends, your neighbors, and maybe even your most competitive chili-cooking rival.

Carol Davis has answers.
See you there!

Questions? Contact Us
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